Mandatory Dog Clinic

Monday, February 10, 2020 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Della Selsor Building, Madison County Fairgrounds
Contact email:
Contact name:
Jenny Sweet
Contact phone:

Madison County offers the following 5 dog projects:

  • Showmanship
  • Obedience
  • Rally (Obedience)
  • You and Your Dog
  • All About Dogs ("Dog-less dog project")

For anyone planning to take or thinking about taking a dog project to the Madison County Fair through 4-H this year, plan to attend this clinic!

Do NOT bring your dog to this meeting! There will be other clinics to take them too related to the specific project.

Learn about the new obedience class offereing this year. See showmanship, obedience, and rally obedience demonstrations, discuss what equipment is needed for each class and discuss upcoming training clinics!

Click here to see more information about what is required for the dog project such as forms due at time of enrollment.

Contact Jenny Sweet, Dog Key Leader, with any questions!