Past Events

  1. Jul. 05, 2023 7:15pm

  2. Jun. 22, 2023 10:00am to 1:00pm

  3. Jun. 12, 2023 7:00pm

  4. Jun. 07, 2023 7:15pm

  5. Jun. 07, 2023 6:00pm

  6. May. 20, 2023 (All day)

    Madison County Master Gardner Volunteer Annual Plant Sale

  7. May. 08, 2023 7:00pm

  8. May. 06, 2023 10:00am

    RABBIT SHOWMANSHIP CLINIC MAY 6, 2023 AT 10:00 A.M. IN THE RABBIT/POULTRY/SMALL ANIMAL BARN Madison County Fairgrounds BRING YOUR RABBIT for hands-on help and practice!! Topics & demonstrations to include: ● Performing a “vet check” during Showmanship ● Proper show table etiquette ● Answers to questions about Skillathon and Fair Week ● Tattooing available at the end of the clinic QUESTIONS: Lisa Osterloh 614-353-6800

  9. May. 03, 2023 7:15pm

  10. May. 03, 2023 6:00pm
