Past Events

  1. Feb. 28, 2023 5:30pm to 8:00pm

    WOMEN IN AG MONTHLY MEET-UPS 4th Tuesday of the Month at the Gwynne Conservation Area Cabin, 690 Arbuckle Rd., London, OH 43140 5:30-6:30 Social Hour and Dinner 6:30-8 Guest Presentation Upcoming Speakers Feb 28: Climate Roundtable and Simulation, Dr. Aaron Wilson, State Climatologist, Ag Weather and Climate Field Specialist and Jason Cervenec, Education and Outreach Director, Byrd Polar and Climate Reserach Center Mar 28: How to do On-Farm Research, Dr. Elizabeth Hawkins, Agronomic Systems Field Specialist

  2. Feb. 13, 2023 7:00pm

  3. Feb. 10, 2023 (All day)

    2023 Private Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Training Register Here

  4. Feb. 01, 2023 7:15pm

  5. Feb. 01, 2023 6:00pm

  6. Jan. 31, 2023 5:00pm to Jan. 31, 2024 8:00pm

    Please note the inclimate weather date is February 15th.  We will send out notice if we are changing to this date.

  7. Jan. 27, 2023 8:30am to 12:00pm

    2023 Agricultural Outlook Breakfast Examining Land Values, Rents, Crop Input Costs & Margins & New Tax Policy, Barry Ward, Leader, Production Business Management, OSU Extension Commodity Grain Markets: Trends and Prospects, Dr. Seungki Lee, PhD. OSU, Dept of Ag, Environ, & Development Economics International Economic Outlook, Dr. Ian Sheldon, OSU, Dept of Ag, Environ, & Development Economics. Friday January 27 Location: Der Dutchman Banquet Room 445 S Jefferson Ave Plain City, OH 43064 8:30 AM – Noon Registration due Jan 22

  8. Jan. 24, 2023 5:30pm to 8:00pm

    WOMEN IN AG MONTHLY MEET-UPS 4th Tuesday of the Month at the Gwynne Conservation Area Cabin, 690 Arbuckle Rd., London, OH 43140 5:30-6:30 Social Hour and Dinner 6:30-8 Guest Presentation Upcoming Speakers Jan 24: Ukraine Agriculture and Economic Implications, Dr. Allan Lines, Professor Emeritus, Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics

  9. Jan. 19, 2023 8:00am to 9:00am

    AGRONOMIC CROPS WEATHER EXTREMES & CLIMATE COMMITTEE PRESENTS “Climate & …” Webinar Series Weather and Climate affect many aspects of agriculture. Please join us as we explore the impacts of extreme weather and climate on diseases, farm finances, and pest management in Ohio. Webinars will feature speakers from each of these areas along with a short presentation on tools available from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center to help with in-season decision making and/or post-seasonal analysis.

  10. Jan. 14, 2023 9:00am to 12:00pm

    Mandatory Steer Weigh in located in the Sheep Arena at the Madison County Fair Grounds. The weigh in will be mandatory for market beef exhibitors and any market beef animal they are planning to exhibit at the Madison County Fair in July 2023.  
