Virtual County Wide Club Meetings

  • Since we are all "stuck", we want to make it easier for you to host engaging club meetings this Winter/Spring! This is completely optional, but we hope it can help in your planning!
  • We are hosting a series of virtual club meetings starting January 10-March 28 on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 2pm. Each meeting will include county updates, Q&A time, and an engaging guest speaker for a total of 45 minutes, then advisors can select the option to lead a breakout room with your club officers to host your business meeting!
  • Advisors can also request the 4-H educator to "pop in" to their meeting for an additional activity, clarify something, etc.
  • CLUB REGISTRATION: In order to have these count as a club meeting, advisors MUST register in advance for a breakout room HERE:
  • FAMILY REGISTRATION: Families can attend on their own, but it will only count as a club meeting if they attend their individual club meeting in the breakout session after the guest speaker with their club advisors/officers. Families will register for each session HERE
  • Dates and Topics are listed below. All are Sundays from 2-4pm. The guest speaker and county updates will be 45 minutes-1 hour, and then clubs can have time in their breakout rooms for however long they need!
    • January 10 - Fire Safety on the Farm
    • January 24 - Cooking Safety
    • February 14 - Paleontology
    • February 28 - Solar Energy Fun
    • March 14 - Maple Syrup Making
    • March 28 - The Science of Chocolate! (Must purchase chocolate for taste testing!)


County Wide Club Meetings